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Arm Lift

Patients with good skin tone may be able to improve upper arm contour with liposuction alone. Aging or large weight loss can result in loss of support in the upper arm that does not respond to toning exercises.

Arm lift (brachioplasty) reshapes the upper arm that has excess skin and fat. Brachioplasty scars usually need to run the length of the upper arm, but are placed in less conspicuous areas along the inner aspect. Loose skin that extends into the armpit can also be trimmed. Liposuction may be performed as an adjunct to brachioplasty to refine the results. Recovery takes about a week, but usually requires wearing a compression garment for 6 weeks.

Arm lift scars have a tendency to widen so we recommend the use of tension-relieving Embrace scar reduction strips that are worn for 2 months.

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